Consumer Information Disclosure
Seminary that is no longer limited by the constraints of attending a class at a specific time or a requirement that could uproot your life and disrupt your work and ministry.
Name of Institution: Rockbridge Seminary
Address: 3111 E. Battlefield, Springfield, MO 65804
Year Founded: 2003 First Accredited: 2013
President: Tommy Hilliker, M.Div.
Rockbridge Seminary is accredited by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC). The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency. The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
Distance Education Accrediting Commission1101 17th Street N.W., Suite 808
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 234-5100

Participation in Funding Programs:
Rockbridge does not participate in Title IV federal funding. Qualified military veterans may use GI Bill educational benefits to fund their Rockbridge education.
Missouri – As an accredited religious school, Rockbridge Seminary is exempt from oversight by the Missouri Department of Higher Education. Exemption is subject to periodic review of eligibility for continuance.
Rockbridge Seminary is an accredited degree-granting institution of higher learning that exists to develop servant leaders for Christian ministry through quality distance educational experiences that allow them to study and practice without leaving their ministry field.
Areas of Special Focus:
Rockbridge Seminary provides an innovative approach to seminary education that meets the needs of “new paradigm” churches.
Description of Institution:
Rockbridge Seminary offers four academic programs. Each program is designed to help develop servant leaders for Christian ministry through learning experiences that allow them to study and practice without leaving their ministry field.
- For the Calendar Year 2022
- Active Students: 97
- Total Number of Graduates: 425
- Graduates from Non-U.S.A. Countries: 25
- Graduation Age Range: 29 to 83
- Average Age at Graduation: 53
- Average Age at Graduation in 2022: 49
- Average Age at Enrollment in 2022: 42
- Average Faculty-to-Student Ratio: 1:9
- Gender: 79% male, 20% female, 1% undeclared
Marital Status: 4% single, 57% married, 39% undeclared - Ethnicity/Race: 57% White or Caucasian, 3% Black or African American, 3% Hispanic or Latino, 8% Other, 29% Prefer Not to Answer
- Faith Tradition: 10% Baptist, 21% Southern Baptist, 22% Non-Denominational, 1% Reformed, 5% Other Protestant, 2% Other, 40% No Church Affiliation Indicated
- Seminary-related education debt incurred by graduates: 86% no debt, 7% less than $10,000, 7% $10k to $19k
- Virtual Library – includes subscription to 23,000 e-books, and 8 million EBSCO full text journal articles, 1 million full-text articles from InfoTrac, access to theological journals through Galaxie, and 190 open access theology journals, and other research databases. 150,000 resources through Princeton Theological Commons, Logos Academic Standard Library, 25,000 Bible Studies and Theological Resources through RightNow Media.
- Diploma in Ministry Studies – Program Tuition is $5,655,00, $145/credit hour
- Master of Ministry Leadership – Program Tuition is $12,948.00 $249/credit hour
- Master of Divinity – Program Tuition is $19,920, $249/credit hour
- Doctor of Ministry – Program Tuition is $11,817, $303/credit hourFor more information on costs go to Tuition and Fees.
Institution Performance:
- Students achieving their learning goals: 98%
- Students who would recommend their studies to a friend: 98%
- Students who are satisfied with their studies: 98%
- Course completion rate: 97%
- Graduation Rates: 36% M.Div., 42% M.M.L., 33% D.M.S. (These percentages are based on the number of students in a specific cohort who graduate within 1.5 times the full-time program length. Many students take longer to finish their degree than the prescribed time for the program because of their involvement in ministry.)
- Graduates serving in a ministry role: 93%
Filing a Complaint:
A student, professor, or staff member may file a formal complaint with Rockbridge Seminary over any issue that deserves formal investigation, including but not limited to sexual harassment or discrimination. The President of Rockbridge Seminary will receive the complaint and seek resolution within 30 days. If the complaint relates to the President of Rockbridge Seminary, the Chairman of the Board of Trustees will receive the complaint and seek resolution within 30 days.
To file a formal complaint, check here.
A student, professor, or staff member may also file a formal complaint with Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC), the accrediting agency for Rockbridge Seminary. To contact DEAC:
Distance Education Accrediting Commission 1101 17th Street N.W., Suite 808 Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 234-5100 Website:
If students are dissatisfied with the resolution, a complaint may also be filed with the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Workforce Development (DHEWD). For more information, please contact DHEWD at (573) 751-2361 or
For more information about filing a complaint through NC-SARA schools, use this link.
by the Distance Education Accrediting Commission (DEAC).
The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is listed by the U.S. Department of Education as a recognized accrediting agency. The Distance Education Accrediting Commission is recognized by the Council for Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA).
For more information about Rockbridge or to file a complaint contact:
Distance Education Accrediting Commission
1101 17th Street N.W., Suite 808
Washington, D.C. 20036
Phone: (202) 234-5100
DEAC Student Achievement For the Public Form
As a non-denominational accredited seminary online program, Rockbridge Seminary is proud of our ability to form relationships with God’s people wherever they may be. One result of that is the large number of partnerships that we have formed with ministries and churches across the country and around the globe.
Visit our Partner’s Page to see a list of organizations that have joined with Rockbridge on our Kingdom adventure.
State Authorities
Rockbridge Seminary is approved to operate in most U.S. states and internationally, either through general or specific approvals, licensure, registration, consent or exemption. In some cases, specific statements are required as follows:
Rockbridge Seminary is exempt from oversight by the Missouri Department of Higher Education “as a not for profit school owned, controlled and operated by a bona fide religious or denominational organization which offers no programs or degrees and grants no degrees or certificates other than those designated as theological, bible, divinity, or other religious designation.” Exempt status is subject to periodic review of eligibility for continuance. For more information, please contact MDHE at (573) 751-2361.
Rockbridge Seminary has been approved to participate in the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (nc-sara). Rockbridge does not accept students from American Samoa. To file a student complaint with NC-SARA use this link.
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